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In the wheel of… Madison Boissière-XCE pilot Team Sunn -

End clap for this 2023 season, a year rich in emotions for the various members of the Chef de File family. To conclude this chapter, we take the wheel of Madison Boissière XCE pilot of Team Sunn -! A solid season for the whole team which demonstrated its regularity by taking good places of honor throughout the year on the various rounds of the World Cup.

Focus today on Madison Boissière, pilot of Team Sunn - . Author of a roller-clad season with an unlucky first block, at only 19 years old, she rose to an honorable 7th place in the world rankings. At his side, there were 3 other drivers for this 2023 season, Thibaut Kahlhoven (4th in the world), Quentin Schrotzenberger (5th in the world) and his little sister Valentine (8th in the world). But by the way? XCE expensive?

"It's a spectacular, dynamic, suspense-filled discipline. The XCE, cross country eliminator, is made up of several short races. After qualifying in individual time trial, we have the eighth, quarters, semi-finals and then finals (small or large). At each stage we are 4 at the start and you have to finish in the first 2 to move on to the next stage. It takes place on 1km circuits with obstacles such as jump, turn raised, staircase… »

Through this so technical discipline, it is therefore necessary to adapt its training around explositivity and technique with a particular interest in departures, sprintings, reliances as well as jump-outs. After a podium in 2022 at the World Cup in Indonesia, Madison was keen to start again on the same basis in 2023. She returns in detail to her season:

"Sportingly I didn't have a great start to the season. Health level I was not at the top but little by little there was better. I finished 7th in the general classification of the World Cup and 6th in the European Championships it remains correct. Humanly this season was just magical, I met other foreign drivers with whom I get along really well. In the XCE we are a small family, the atmosphere is really nice. And in addition we work English! Apart from my little disappointment at the world championships, I think I validated the goals I set for myself at the start of the year. »

A student in STAPS, she continues to progress thanks to optimal support within the women's cycling division of Chambéry. A competitive since her childhood thanks to her parents, Madison has decided to specialize in the XCE for two seasons now. Among the youngest in his discipline, physical and technical qualities matter, but experience is also crucial: "I learn in every race and I intend to rub shoulders with the best in the years to come » .

Full of ambitions, it will be necessary to count on it to pass a new course in this discipline! For our part, the adventure alongside Team Sunn only lasted two seasons, but it was rich in emotion with many bouquets won in the national and international events.

Our partners have talent and they deserve to be highlighted!

Thanks to Madison Boissière XCE Team Sunn for time granted.

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